Historical View of Lasting Governments
Nearly all of the Communist countries, if one could even call them so, were ruled by dictators whom never showed any intention to allow the people to vote in their leader via elections. Everyone of these countries have failed, are in the process of failing or still have a chance of going towards Democratic Socialism.
Due to this failure, a new type of socialist government must come into effect. Since we haven't witnessed a long lasting Democratic Socialist state, the only historical facts are that from Capitalist societies to prove this system to be more desirable. Of those are; The US, England and Rome. The three greatest powers the world has witnessed all followed a simular bases to set up their society.
In order for a government to actually last more than a few decades, there is a series of steps that are required to be taken to ensure success. These steps include a dictatorial rule of unelected politicians who participated in the revolution that brought about this new form of government. This Party will instill the basis on which said country is going to be run. After they've accomplished their main goal (ie setting up Socialism), they will set out to set up a new government. The new government will be a Democracy in which politicians are no longer appointed by the party, but elected by the proletariat.
When one thinks of strong central government, the US doesn't tend to come into mind. Since the beginning, the Fore Fathers of the US made a seemingly small central government and a large state government. By doing so, the central government can never get direct blame for the suffering of it's own people and still have utter control over what really matters, the military.
In the early stages of the US government, the citizens of the US had very little political power. Much of the thirteen states picked to whom the electoral votes for the president without even holding a vote among the people. What they did instead was allow their legislature to decide to whom the electoral votes will be awarded too.

Popular Vote didn't become popular until around 1828 when only 25% of the electoral votes were controlled by the state governments as opposed to the people. Even then, one could argue the people still weren't in control.
The Freemason Society has been very influential to America. Throughout the history of the US, Freemasons have been in positions of power in the US. Twenty-three out of the forty-two US presidents belonged to the Freemason Society. Although some of their affiliation to the society is debatable, the numbers are still startling. Of those presidents, many were in office during the most important times of the US. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison all took part in molding the society we live in today. Abraham Lincoln was in power during one of the most hectic times in American history. Franklin D. Roosevelt was president during World War II and the Great Depression. Lyndon B. Johnson was president during the Vietnam war to combat a way on Communism. Ronald Reagan was president during the fall of Soviet Russia.
US Presidents Affiliated with the Freemason Society:
1. George Washington (1789-1797)
3. Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809) *
4. James Madison (1809-1817) *
5. James Monroe (1817-1825)
7. Andrew Jackson (1829-1837)
11. James K. Polk (1845-1849)
15. James Buchanan (1857-1861)
16. Abraham Lincoln 16 (1861-1865) *
17. Andrew Johnson (1865-1869)
18. Ulysses S. Grant (1869-1877) *
20. James A. Garfield (1881)
25. William McKinley (1897-1901)
26. Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909)
27. William H. Taft (1909-1913)
29. Warren G. Harding (1921-1923)
30. Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929) *
31. Herbert Hoover (1929-1933) *
32. Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945)
33. Harry S. Truman (1945-1953)
34. Lyndon B. Johnson (1963-1969) *
38. Gerald R. Ford (1974-1977)
40. Ronald Reagan (1981-1989) *
42. Bill Clinton (1993-2001) *
* Their affiliation with the Freemason is debatable.
The longest time a Freemason wasn't in office was five presidency beginning in 1881 when James A. Garfield died and ending in 1897 when William McKinley was elected.
These facts point out that the US wasn't exactly a country run by the people, at least not in the beginning. At the beginning, not every US citizen had much influence on whom will be elected president because their state legislature decided who received the electoral votes, and who did not. The Freemason Society had a hold on much of the power in America, and this power has continued throughout the history of America.
By 410, Britain had become self-governing in parts of Britain. Many of Monarchs have followed since then, of which had absolute power. One could argue that Monarchy was a primitive form of Capitalism. By1215, the Baron's of King John forced him to signed the Magna Carta, which limited the rule of the monarch - taking away their absolute power.
The monarchy's rule had greatly lessoned with the signing of the Magna Carta. They essentially stepped away from a dictatorship and put the power into the hands of the Parliament. In the 17th century, the conflict between the Monarch and Parliament grew as the Magna Carta was revised in order to give more freedom to a greater number of people.
Britain made a relatively peaceful transition from a dictatorship to a phase in which the Barons gained more power and finally into open elections. Prior to handing over the power to the people, the government had made sure that everything had been set into place to ensure success.
Rome was founded in 753BC by Romulus. By tradition, the kingship was elective and limited in power. The Roman monarchy worked differently than other monarchies in Europe by having their sister's son succeeding the present monarch.
However, the intentions of the first monarchs to have limited power didn't occur. As more kings were succeeded, the newer kings became power hungry. Once the kings became oppressive, they were overthrown in a popular revolt which was in favor of a republic.
The Roman kings had set up a society for a group of Republicans (In the sense of wanting a republic) to take power and allow the people to be more involved with politics, in other words - their future.
The three greatest empires known to man have used simular tactics in which I described in the theory. Each used a Vanguard to created a civilized society in which were able to be handed over to the people and allow the society to still prosper, even more so than they did with the Vanguard.
All dictatorships have failed, or will fail in the future. In no case has a dictatorship ever been a desirable in any country, unless they are needed to set up a society and then discarded. The only way to avoid certain failure is to turn to Democracy a few decades after the Revolution. Otherwise, people who don't believe in the cause may get into power and destroy everything that was previously accomplished.
However, the temporary dictatorship is only needed in countries that have experienced the "fruits" of Capitalism because their country exploited millions of people for their own selfish benefit. People who have been exploited by Imperialism will find no use of the temporary dictatorship because they know precisely what the problem is, Capitalism. While in the wealthy countries people are tainted by Capitalism and may very well stray away from the Revolution due to their introduction to greed growing up. The temporary dictatorship is necessary for these countries to ensure they do not perform counter-revolutionary deeds.
People who live in countries where they've been severely exploited can be trusted to bring about Socialism. As shown in Venezuela, the people have taken their future into their own hands and now has control of the government. They are by no means Socialist at this point in time, but they will undoubtedly use democracy to become socialist when the time is right.
Nearly all of the Communist countries, if one could even call them so, were ruled by dictators whom never showed any intention to allow the people to vote in their leader via elections. Everyone of these countries have failed, are in the process of failing or still have a chance of going towards Democratic Socialism.
Due to this failure, a new type of socialist government must come into effect. Since we haven't witnessed a long lasting Democratic Socialist state, the only historical facts are that from Capitalist societies to prove this system to be more desirable. Of those are; The US, England and Rome. The three greatest powers the world has witnessed all followed a simular bases to set up their society.
In order for a government to actually last more than a few decades, there is a series of steps that are required to be taken to ensure success. These steps include a dictatorial rule of unelected politicians who participated in the revolution that brought about this new form of government. This Party will instill the basis on which said country is going to be run. After they've accomplished their main goal (ie setting up Socialism), they will set out to set up a new government. The new government will be a Democracy in which politicians are no longer appointed by the party, but elected by the proletariat.
When one thinks of strong central government, the US doesn't tend to come into mind. Since the beginning, the Fore Fathers of the US made a seemingly small central government and a large state government. By doing so, the central government can never get direct blame for the suffering of it's own people and still have utter control over what really matters, the military.
In the early stages of the US government, the citizens of the US had very little political power. Much of the thirteen states picked to whom the electoral votes for the president without even holding a vote among the people. What they did instead was allow their legislature to decide to whom the electoral votes will be awarded too.

LEG: State Legislature picked to which candidate will receive the electoral votes
POP: Popular Vote picked to which candidate will receive the electoral votes
POP: Popular Vote picked to which candidate will receive the electoral votes
Popular Vote didn't become popular until around 1828 when only 25% of the electoral votes were controlled by the state governments as opposed to the people. Even then, one could argue the people still weren't in control.
The Freemason Society has been very influential to America. Throughout the history of the US, Freemasons have been in positions of power in the US. Twenty-three out of the forty-two US presidents belonged to the Freemason Society. Although some of their affiliation to the society is debatable, the numbers are still startling. Of those presidents, many were in office during the most important times of the US. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison all took part in molding the society we live in today. Abraham Lincoln was in power during one of the most hectic times in American history. Franklin D. Roosevelt was president during World War II and the Great Depression. Lyndon B. Johnson was president during the Vietnam war to combat a way on Communism. Ronald Reagan was president during the fall of Soviet Russia.
US Presidents Affiliated with the Freemason Society:
1. George Washington (1789-1797)
3. Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809) *
4. James Madison (1809-1817) *
5. James Monroe (1817-1825)
7. Andrew Jackson (1829-1837)
11. James K. Polk (1845-1849)
15. James Buchanan (1857-1861)
16. Abraham Lincoln 16 (1861-1865) *
17. Andrew Johnson (1865-1869)
18. Ulysses S. Grant (1869-1877) *
20. James A. Garfield (1881)
25. William McKinley (1897-1901)
26. Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909)
27. William H. Taft (1909-1913)
29. Warren G. Harding (1921-1923)
30. Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929) *
31. Herbert Hoover (1929-1933) *
32. Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945)
33. Harry S. Truman (1945-1953)
34. Lyndon B. Johnson (1963-1969) *
38. Gerald R. Ford (1974-1977)
40. Ronald Reagan (1981-1989) *
42. Bill Clinton (1993-2001) *
* Their affiliation with the Freemason is debatable.
The longest time a Freemason wasn't in office was five presidency beginning in 1881 when James A. Garfield died and ending in 1897 when William McKinley was elected.
These facts point out that the US wasn't exactly a country run by the people, at least not in the beginning. At the beginning, not every US citizen had much influence on whom will be elected president because their state legislature decided who received the electoral votes, and who did not. The Freemason Society had a hold on much of the power in America, and this power has continued throughout the history of America.
By 410, Britain had become self-governing in parts of Britain. Many of Monarchs have followed since then, of which had absolute power. One could argue that Monarchy was a primitive form of Capitalism. By1215, the Baron's of King John forced him to signed the Magna Carta, which limited the rule of the monarch - taking away their absolute power.
The monarchy's rule had greatly lessoned with the signing of the Magna Carta. They essentially stepped away from a dictatorship and put the power into the hands of the Parliament. In the 17th century, the conflict between the Monarch and Parliament grew as the Magna Carta was revised in order to give more freedom to a greater number of people.
Britain made a relatively peaceful transition from a dictatorship to a phase in which the Barons gained more power and finally into open elections. Prior to handing over the power to the people, the government had made sure that everything had been set into place to ensure success.
Rome was founded in 753BC by Romulus. By tradition, the kingship was elective and limited in power. The Roman monarchy worked differently than other monarchies in Europe by having their sister's son succeeding the present monarch.
However, the intentions of the first monarchs to have limited power didn't occur. As more kings were succeeded, the newer kings became power hungry. Once the kings became oppressive, they were overthrown in a popular revolt which was in favor of a republic.
The Roman kings had set up a society for a group of Republicans (In the sense of wanting a republic) to take power and allow the people to be more involved with politics, in other words - their future.
The three greatest empires known to man have used simular tactics in which I described in the theory. Each used a Vanguard to created a civilized society in which were able to be handed over to the people and allow the society to still prosper, even more so than they did with the Vanguard.
All dictatorships have failed, or will fail in the future. In no case has a dictatorship ever been a desirable in any country, unless they are needed to set up a society and then discarded. The only way to avoid certain failure is to turn to Democracy a few decades after the Revolution. Otherwise, people who don't believe in the cause may get into power and destroy everything that was previously accomplished.
However, the temporary dictatorship is only needed in countries that have experienced the "fruits" of Capitalism because their country exploited millions of people for their own selfish benefit. People who have been exploited by Imperialism will find no use of the temporary dictatorship because they know precisely what the problem is, Capitalism. While in the wealthy countries people are tainted by Capitalism and may very well stray away from the Revolution due to their introduction to greed growing up. The temporary dictatorship is necessary for these countries to ensure they do not perform counter-revolutionary deeds.
People who live in countries where they've been severely exploited can be trusted to bring about Socialism. As shown in Venezuela, the people have taken their future into their own hands and now has control of the government. They are by no means Socialist at this point in time, but they will undoubtedly use democracy to become socialist when the time is right.
I don't really buy into that freemason conspiracy thing.
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