Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Leninist-Democratic Socialist

Truthfully, I am not a complete Leninist - however Lenin's teachings have molded much of my view of Socialism. In the past month, I've come to realize an everlasting dictatorship is bound to fail.

Obviously, if one looks at the history of socialism, they will see that many of the successors of the leaders of the Revolution strayed away from the real cause and took their country directly into the gutter. In Yugoslavia, Josip Broz Tito led a socialist revolution and remained in power until 1980. He succeeded in raising the standard of living and made his country far better off than many of the Stalinist Socialist regimes. However, after his death - Yugoslavia went downhill. This occurred in many of the countries that became socialist.

Every Socialist country to this date has had a Vanguard dictatorship, and with the exception of a few that are still standing, they have all failed. Many Leninist blame this on how the wrong people got into power and ruined from within, however still believe in a dictatorship.

My solution is rather simple. After the revolution, a Vanguard of the leaders should take power. Their main goal at the time will be to set up the necessary socialist policies, revamp the education system and make all of their changes unchangeable.

That essentially is what the old Vanguard usually did, but this is where I differ from the rest. After they've accomplished these goals, they will then set out to create a Democratic Socialist state to return the power back to those who deserve it, the Proletariat.

Not only would this ensure that the people will not be oppressed, but it will also take away the authority of the leaders to make counter-revolutionary changes without committing a crime against the state. The laws forbidding the changes made by the Vanguard would make it impossible for a Capitalist to lie his/her way into office and destroy everything from within. The only way they will ever be capable of reclaiming the power they once had is by use of military force. In order for this to work, the people need to be behind them... Capitalism isn't exactly for the people and they will never receive a massive backing.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Mexican Uprising?

Andrés Manuel López Obrador is a Mexican politician who belongs to Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD). The PRD is a leftist party in Mexico that promotes Peaceful Revolution. As a politician, López Obrador was elected in 2000 as the Federal District's Head of Government. Mexico's Capital, Mexico City is within the Federal District and is a vastly important political area.

López Obrador is one of the most popular politicians in Mexico. His slogan is "First, the Poor" which is rightly so due his support for social programs for the people in Poverty. While the Federal District's Head of Government, López Obrador succeeded in lowering the corruption of Mexico Cities police department, as well as lowering the crime rate.

After all of López Obrador success in the Federal District, on May 9th, 2005 he announced he would be running for presidency. Since he has been running, he has been ahead in almost every survey and he has maintained his high approval ratings.

To think, however, that the Upper Class of Mexico would just allow this to happen seems unlikely. As usual, the Capitalists have attempted to stop López Obrador from running for presidency.

In 2004, a judge in Mexico accused López Obrador of intentionally disobeying a judicial order. Under Mexican law, López Obrador wouldn't be allowed to run for president in 2006 if convicted.

On April 24th, 2005, 1.2 million Mexicans took to the streets of Mexico City to protest the political motivated accusation of López Obrador. Vincente Fox's, the current President of Mexico, attempts to silence López Obrador has backfired on him and resulted in a movement against corruption.

López Obrador announced he would go to prison as an example of how corrupt Mexico's democracy is. Him being in prison would stir up even more backing of him and his party. However, two PAN deputies paid his bail and kept him out of prison. PAN, National Action Party, is one of the three main parties in Mexico and are Conservative; advocating for free enterprise and everything else that comes with the right side of the spectrum.

Government officials told López Obrador that he was no longer the Mayor of Mexico City and would be arrested if he returned to his position. He returned to work and has not been arrested. The current government knows that the more they try to hold López Obrador down, the more people will support him. They have no choice but to allow him to run and most likely win the election - which may lead to many social/socialist policies, if López Obrador sticks to what he's been preaching.

Throughout Latin America, more and more countries have become more leftist than ever. From the Socialist Dictatorship in Cuba to the Social Democracy in Venezuela. I don't think that it's an coincidence that the initial sprouts of Social Movements occurred around the largest and most ruthless imperial power.

Thursday, June 02, 2005


Have you ever looked back on your families ancestry, not the distant ones, but the ones who you may have just missed by a lifetime? Most people will come across someone and possibly many more relatives who lived in poverty - or very close. However, at the same time they were working incredibly hard at their job in order to give his/her family the essential needs.

Much of the Middle Class look down on those who are poor and rather unfortunate. However, they neglect the fact that their own family was also in that exact same situation, but not always directly the person who looks at others with disdain.

Due to our [Americans] current society, those who are at the bottom cannot propel themselves anywhere above the lower-middle class, no matter how hard they work. This also holds true in the past, possibly even more so. Many families moved here from poorer nations, mine from Norway - which at the time wasn't as well off as they're now. My great grandparents moved here in hopes of allowing their children a better life and possibly improving their own. Their daughter, my Grandma, was raised rather poor and when she became an adult - she was still rather poor. She raised 7 children and worked at a food plant. Her son, my father, got a job working in a car part manufacturing company. He has a lot of contempt for his job, but every weekday he goes for ten hours and a few hours on a the weekend. I doubt that anyone in the line of people leading from me to my great grandparents ever liked the job they had or got their dream job. None of the people listed were able to go to college due to lack of funds and / or lack of proper public education.

Why is it then, that I am allowed to go to college and pursue my dream of becoming a Video Game Programmer and possibly a Politician? I don't believe that it's fair that my Parents, Grandparents, and Great Grandparents all made these sacrifices for me along with my cousins, sisters, nieces and nephews to be born with everything we needed to be capable of higher level success.

After all of this, how can anyone allow other families to repeat this exact same process in which whole lives are spent doing something they hate with a passion? I do not understand how anyone can just take their education after their forefathers and foremothers have suffered dearly to achieve what you're allowed to do today and not change the country for the better.

Humanity has hit a new low, they're allowing the exact problems to repeat themselves over and over again because of their own greed. They rarely stop to think about how poverty has affected them and the sacrifices people before them made in order for them to be where they are. The US will continue to allow people to spend their lives doing something they don't like for their whole life - unless we do something about it.