Saturday, June 24, 2006

The Columbian Fascist

FARC offered peace talks, but called for terms. Uribe has stressed that he will not yield to rebel terms and will likely keep the conflict in motion. Uribe, like all fascists before him, is using a national conflict to inflict damage on his country and people in a covert fashion. What I am speaking of is the Free Trade agreement with the USA, incase you didn't catch on.

If you want to read more about the peace offer:

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Uribe is USELESS

One of the main reasons for his re-"election" is that he would continue is hard fought war against drugs. Well, he's failing. Columbia has seen an 8% increase in cocaine this year, according to the UN. Good job Uribe, keep up the good work.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Human Nature: Communism vrs. Capitalism

"In place of ruthless self-assertion it demands self-restraint; in place of thrusting aside or treading down all competitors, it requires that the individual shall not merely respect, but shall help his fellows; its influence is directed, not so much to the survival of the fittest, as to the fitting of as many as possible to survive."
-Evolution and Ethics (1893) by Thomas Huxley

Survival is the only proven and commonly accepted part of human nature. Each species intends to reproduce and prolong their own survival. Social Darwinists and Capitalists suggest that humans "naturally" compete against each other for their own personal gain. However this in itself goes against our human nature, species never work against each other so only a minority of it's population survives and the rest die. Even if there are a few cases of this happening, they're likely to be outliers.

In a world without enough food, medicine and other instruments used for survival; capitalism would be the ideal economic system since it would be humans at their natural stage. However, humans have evolved to a point of intelligence in which humans can develop enough food and medication for all peoples. Even under capitalism, enough food is produced to feed all inhabitants of the world a healthy vegetarian diet (1).

Naturally, the need for competition and hoarding of the food is illogical. Capitalism itself has become obsolete and to be working against human nature. At this point in our development, the new economic system of communism is the only presented solution to the unnatural hoarding of wealth.

To further prove my point, we can look at how animals evolve to survive certain pandemic. The most disastrous disease plaguing the earth today is starvation. 33,000 children die each day and parts of the world population have "evolved" and created a means to fight what used to be a worldwide problem. When other species find means to survive, they share their DNA via reproduction. The US and other Western countries are refusing to allow their "vaccine" to reach the third world countries. Species naturally aid the others with methods of survival and with the superior human intelligence, we're capable of taking human survival to greater levels.

Greed is the most common defense of capitalism. The idea of it being human nature, however, is preposterous. Nearly all instances of greed can be related to the survival instinct outside the world of capitalism. Capitalist greed is by far the most unnatural human trait someone could have. This greed results in maintaining large amounts of wealth they could never possibly use and largely hinders the survival of the human race. As capitalism continues, more and more of the wealth will concentrate itself into the hands of a few and eventually leave the rest of the world to die.

The Alpha Male Lion, for example, is always the first of the hunting party to eat, whether or not he was the one who got the kill. This occurs naturally and the females allow for this to happen. They could quite simply overpower him since he's vastly outnumbered. However, they choose to sit back and wait until he's finished. The male lion, being the largest and strongest, is in need of more food in order to stay strong. His strength could very well mean the survival of the prides. So for the good of the whole pride, the male lion eats first. Survival is reason, not selfish greed.

In the end, individual survival which is capitalism is contradictory to human nature. Working against each other stops many chances for human survival and therefore the only possibly solution would be communism.