Monday, September 25, 2006

Anti-US Bloc

Well.. a lot of news lately seems to be pointing towards a third world alliance against US aggression. I'll quote some news:
Pakistan Foreign Office spokesperson said on Tuesday that the foreign secretaries of Pakistan and India would meet at the earliest to review the peace process in pursuance of the Havana Joint Statement.
Furthermore, Musharraf was worried that if Pakistan did not accede to Washington's demands, the US would take up an Indian offer to provide bases.

The Pakistan president foresaw India using the opportunity to either launch a limited offensive in the disputed Kashmir region, or more probably New Delhi would work with the US and the UN to turn the present disputed ceasefire line dividing Kashmir into a permanent border.

This is particularly interesting, actually. At the International "I hate America" meeting in Havana, the two enemies restore peace talks. Days later, Pakistan announces that the US forced them to help in the "war on terror." Keep in mind, Pakistan does have nukes. I'm not saying Pakistan will take sides with Chavez's bloc - however the proximity of the NAM meeting and release of this information makes me bring two and two together.
Iran said it was prepared to negotiate a suspension of its most sensitive nuclear work if it received fair guarantees in talks with major powers.

But the United States and many experts reacted skeptically to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's statement in New York on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly.

Ahmadinejad said talks with the European Union on Iran's nuclear program were on the right track and he hoped no-one would try to sabotage them, an apparent reference to Washington.

Alienating Washington and at the same time making it seem as though the US was warmongering. If the deal goes through, the US will look very bad.
North Korea will probably test a nuclear weapon, with an even chance of doing so this year, as Kim Jong-il's regime tries to assert its defiance in the face of increasing international pressure, said Richard Armitage, former US deputy secretary of state.

An ignored threat, but a threat nonetheless to America.
QUITO, Ecuador -- A tough-talking leftist economist and presidential front-runner who rattles foreign investors said Monday he is proud to call Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez his friend.

Rafael Correa also said he would not extend the U.S. military's use of the Pacific coast Manta air base as an operational site for drug surveillance flights when the treaty runs out in 2009.

Yet another anti-America leftist running for office in Latin America.
ESTELI, Nicaragua (Reuters) - The United States hoped it had seen the last of Daniel Ortega, a Cold War foe who led Nicaragua's Sandinista revolution, when he was voted out of power in 1990 after a brutal war against U.S.-backed rebels.

But he refused to fade away and is back again, crisscrossing Nicaragua's rice-growing lowlands, dense jungles and tropical hills as its presidential election front-runner.

Another anti-US Latin American potential leader.
Japan is warning that a move by Russia to freeze a huge oil and gas project could hurt ties between the two countries. Japanese companies have a stake in the project, which Japan sees as an important source of fuel for the future.

The Russian government on Monday rescinded environmental approvals for a $20 billion oil and gas project in the Russian Far East, delivering a potentially significant blow to Japan's energy policy.

Not so much a anti-American occurrence, however Japan is a close ally of America.
MOSCOW: The United States will pursue a hostile policy towards Russia regardless of who comes to power in the White House, a Russian Parliament report has warned.

Russian-U.S. relations will deteriorate significantly over the next few years, as Washington will try to promote a Government change in Russia, weaken Russia's energy, power and undermine its positions in the former Soviet Union, said a report prepared by analysts of the State Duma, the lower House of the Russian Parliament.

This one is self-explanatory.

Of course, there's Chavez, Castro and Morales. These enemies appear to be growing, and the smallest of action could set off a time bomb. Even the holding of the Venezuelan diplomat in NYC for 90 minutes has caused a large scandal. One false move and the US could send the world into war. This is obviously their plan, but they want to keep Europe on their side - so they will wait until they can "justify" it. I bet they were hoping for Iran or Syria to come to Hezbollah's aid in July, but that plan fell through.

Ever wonder why so few troops are in Iraq and why they're poorly equipped? Washington is trying to save troops and money for their bigger plan.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Hastening the Demise of Capitalism

Outside of the realm of guerrilla attacks on imperialist headquarters, I forsee only one relatively peaceful solution to quickening the suicide of the capitalist system. That method being: open borders.

I like to bring up Das Kapital because I find it to be a good guide as far as revolutionary progress is concerned. Like Marx said, capitalism will collapse when profit is sought after to the point where wages are no longer able to sustain life and the economy. Imperialism (with welfare capitalism) has greatly slowed down this process. The process is still rolling, as we've seen with 401(k) plans and outsourcing - it doesn't seem to be approaching an end, however.

In order to destroy capitalism in the West - mass immigration is the only real way to quicken the demise of capitalism. This would result in rapid wage decreases and a greatly increase the workforce. "Supply and Demand" will lead to greater competition for work and wages will gradually decrease over time as people become desperate. High unemployment and low wages will lead to genuine suffering in the West and eventually revolutionary fervor. In the end, communism will reign supreme much earlier than expected.

However, this doesn't seem plausible due to rabid racism coming from the working class in the West. The only way opening the borders will ever happen is if the big corporations were blind enough to want a greater workforce. Unfortunately, I do not believe that the capitalists are this ignorant.

So, how, then would one quicken the rise of communism?