Monday, April 10, 2006

Is Lenin crazy?

For some reason, while I'm reading through Lenin's writings - I feel as though I'm getting dumber. Using the flawed Dialectical Materialism, he was able to come to scientific conclusions just from looking merely at this sentence:
"John is a man."
In his Philosophical Notebook.

He also claimed that Bakhurin, who was part of the SU "communist" party, wasn't a Marxist because Bakhurin said this:
“Comrades, many of you may find that the current controversy suggests something like this: two men come in and invite each other to define the tumbler on the lectern. One says:‘It is a glass cylinder, and a curse on anyone who says different.’ The other one says:‘A tumbler is a drinking vessel, and a curse on anyone who says different’”

Because Bakhurin isn't using dialectics, Lenin comes to the conclusion that he isn't a Marxist.

Although Marx used Dialectical Materialism, it was inherited by his teacher, Hegel. Hegel was not a Communist and the whole dialectical method is a very traditional and conservative approach to philosophy. Not to mention it's uses being a complete failure in all countries that adopt Lenin's teachings and therefore his support for dialectics.

If you want to know more about the dialectics and it's uselessness, check out the essays by Rosa Lichtenstein here:


Blogger Rosa Lichtenstein said...

Thanks for the plug!


8/07/2006 6:05 PM  
Blogger Rosa Lichtenstein said...

By the way, ignore the 'Red Meanace' tag!!


8/07/2006 6:06 PM  

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