Friday, September 02, 2005

The US Government does not care...

With the recent events in New Orleans and Hurricane Katrina, our Government has come out of the closet and confessed they no longer cared. The government knowing that the Hurricane was going to hit New Orleans did not start to organize before the tragic event - but waited and caused many poor people to suffer. They told the people of New Orleans to "leave" except many of those people were poor and could not do anything but wait. The lesser known evil the US government committed was they reduced funding for the research of how to protect New Orleans from Hurricanes such at this one, read more here.

This is exactly why we need a government controlled 100% by the people - not the greedy bourgeois who only see dollar signs. The US should follow in the footsteps of Venezuela's people and liberate ourselves from the exploitation of the American citizen and the mass exploitation of peoples all around the world.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Capitalism is a horrible atrocity which has given birth to more atrocities, including prostitution, slavery and starvation. It is based on greed and pushing yourself ahead even though it harms others. The only true class mobility in capitalism is this regardless of how hard anyone works, the rich will get richer, the middle class will become poor and the poor will die. American ideaology is based on the three atrocious sins of mankind sex, violence, and greed.

11/29/2005 1:46 AM  
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