Saturday, April 15, 2006

Leftist Documentaries

Been watching a few documentaries lately and come across a few I'd like to share:

1) A Place Called Chiapas (1998) - About the Zapatista revolution and their struggle for peace and independence from Mexico's bad government after their signing of NAFTA.

2) Fidel: The Untold Story (2002) - A very informative documentary regarding the Cuban revolution and Fidel Castro's life.

3) The Revolution Will Not Be Televised (2003) - I talked about this earlier, but thought I'd re-mention it incase it went unnoticed. The documentary is about Chavez and the attempt by the bourgeois to conduct a coup and how Chavez came back to power.


4) China: A Century of Revolution (2000) - A surprisingly unbias account of Communist China. I only watched the first two discs because I'm uninterested in the Capitalist China were see today. The impression I got from this documentary was that Mao was a heroic revolutionary and a completely inept statesman.

5) Brother Minister: Malcolm X (1994) - A good documentary on Malcolm X and his assassination. It also put forth the argument that Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X were going to create an alliance; King in the South, Malcolm in the North.

6) The Take (2004) - Incredible documentary about Argentine workers siezing control of a factory shut down by it's bosses. It shows their struggle and success. These workers are setting a model which will consume the world.

7) Free Voice of Labor: The Jewish Anarchists (1980) - This explores the Anarchist movement mainly around the "Free Voice of Labor" Yiddish newspaper and interviews a large amount of Anarchists who were attacked in the Palmer Raids and were alive during the heyday of Anarchy in the USA. Pretty good documentary and I recommended this to those who are interested in Anarchist history.


Blogger Frank Partisan said...

I found this blog surfing.

You remind me of myself at your age.

All the best.

5/08/2006 12:43 AM  

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