Thursday, August 03, 2006

Capitalism Gimps Human Development

Undoubtedly many of today's jobs can be simply replaced by a machine. However, doing so would greatly reduce the consumer's buying power and therefore cause a disruption in the economy. Without these jobs, companies will be able to make their products cheaply, however they will eventually have nobody to sell them too. Therefore, under capitalism there will be very little development of machines capable of reducing human labor to an extent where it's barely needed. People must work 8+ hours in order to have enough money to not only survive, but keep the consumer economy running.

Yet, communism would allow for machines, as each and every person will receive everything they need irregardless of how much time they actually work. Overall labor time will be greatly reduced and therefore people will be free to enjoy their short time on earth.

To be clear, I'm not saying some people will work one hour and others will work eight hours. What I am saying is that there's a finite amount of work that needs to be done and that the population will share this work instead of everyone working 8 hours, even if their labor is not needed.


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